Assignment 1 - Observation Exaggerated and Distorted

Ink on Paper
Progress Images

I don't have quite a lot to say about this piece. The goal of the assignment was to draw based on exaggerated observations-- however I didn't exactly draw from real life on this one. It was initially inspired by a series of long-exposure photographs I made with my partner of a ghostly figure featuring a series of pale limbs emerging from a void-like body. I took a similar silhouette and it slowly came to resemble a cat rather than the cryptid-like creature in the orignal work.
Assignment 2 - 4D Space Disrupted

Progress Images
The goal of this assignment was to create broken space. For this piece, this was achieved by using the balcony as a grounding point-- perspective-wise This
is the most realistic region of the drawing. The cityscape on the right, however, was designed to be a mess of conflicting vanishing points, and does not
accurately reflect a consistent perspective with the foreground balcony.
This piece is mostly about the idea of not exactly feeling welcome in the queer community. As a transmasculine person, I frequently fall into a trap of comparing myself to cis gay men.
I'm constantly fearing that whilst my existence is tolerated in these spaces, my peers view me as a fetishistic straight woman rather than one of their own.
The couple on the balcony are meant to portray polar opposites of gender expression in queer spaces, both of which I have felt I have been barred off from
either socially or physically. In communities colorful and bright as these, sometimes there's still a great sense of alienation, especially when trans people are
so often expected to "prove" that they are the gender they identify with. This is something that is simply not expected of cis queer people.